The WeB Pix Beehive Award from Beeline

This Award had the highest possible recognition (rating), a rating level of 5.0+,
Considered to be an award “beyond just being the best of the best”
at the time of award and is now listed here
The Award was also the World's Top Award at that time.

Thank you for participating in the Beehive Awards Program. We Bees have buzzed the nominated Web site:

A Spiritual Treatise at

It's review score of 96 has earned it our WeB Pix Award! Congratulations! We found your reader-friendly site easy to navigate, attractive, full of great content, and a great service to the Internet community. Thank you for your commitment to Web excellence! This award-winning site will bee listed on the winners' page and will bee listed in the Beehive directory at:

Again, congratulations on earning the WeB Pix Award. Have a great day! You deserve it!

Bee well,

P.S.: Based on the description you provided, I have written a Special Recognition listing that will bee inserted into the Beehive's directory at the above location(s). Please go to and send me whatever changes you may desire. Thanks and, again, congratulations on finding Web excellence!

Míc Miller, publisher, Beeline Publications, Bloomington, IN, USA The Beeline (tm) @, the original Beehive (tm) and home of the Beehive Awards Program for supreme Web excellence. "Bee there and bee found with the best." (tm) +1.812.339.4500

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